Illumina Acquires Grail
According to the press release, Illumina announced that it has “acquired GRAIL, a healthcare company focused on life-saving early detection of multiple cancers, but will hold GRAIL as a separate company during the European Commission's ongoing regulatory review.
Illumina, the global leader in DNA sequencing, first announced its intention to acquire GRAIL nearly a year ago, reuniting Illumina with GRAIL four years after it was spun off. GRAIL's Galleri blood test detects 50 different cancers before they are symptomatic. Illumina's acquisition of GRAIL will accelerate access and adoption of this life-saving test worldwide.”
This acquisition has been announced despite the fact that it faces a legal challenge from the FTC as well as European antitrust scrutiny.
Here are the reasons Illumnia gave for the deal according to the press release:
The deal will save lives. Cancer kills around 10 million people annually worldwide and 600,000 people in the US alone. Cancers responsible for nearly 71% of cancer deaths have no recommended early detection screening, and most cancers are detected when chances of survival are lower. Illumina feels there is a moral obligation to have the deal decided by a thoughtful and full review by the EU regulators and the US courts. This can only be done if Illumina acquires GRAIL now. Otherwise, the company is locked into a situation where the deal terms will expire before there is a chance for full review; the clock will just run out.
Right now, the Galleri test is available but costs $950 because it is not covered by insurance. Reuniting the two companies is the fastest way to make the test broadly available and affordable. Illumina's expertise in market development and access has resulted in coverage of genomic testing for over 1 billion people around the world already. This experience will help lead to coverage and reimbursement for the Galleri test.
GRAIL and Illumina have a long history. Illumina formed GRAIL and spun it out in 2016. GRAIL's first employees were part of Illumina, which still owns 12 percent of the company. GRAIL and Illumina are not competitors—this is a vertical acquisition.
Based on past experience, when Illumina enters a market, the market expands. When Illumina entered the non-invasive prenatal testing space, prices dropped, reimbursement expanded, the number of providers increased, and more expectant parents had access to testing.
Illumina's acquisition of GRAIL is driven by the belief that this test should be available to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. From fighting the COVID-19 pandemic to matching cancer patients to therapies, Illumina's mandate is to save lives and transform healthcare. The first COVID-19 viral sequence was on an Illumina machine and now genomic surveillance has emerged as a critical tool in the global fight against the pandemic, with over 70 countries now using Illumina platforms for COVID-19 variant tracking.
Lanton Law is a national boutique law and lobbying firm that focuses on healthcare/life sciences and technology.
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