New York Powers Ahead with Clean Energy Standard
New York State is on an aggressive path towards zero-carbon emissions along with pursuing ambitious goals to fight climate change.
Recently, Governor Cuomo announced plans via a press release that the “New York State Public Service Commission approved an expansion of the landmark Clean Energy Standard to refocus New York's existing regulatory and procurement structure on achieving the goals laid out in New York's nation-leading Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, or CLCPA. The CLCPA established a 70 percent renewable electricity by 2030 mandate, setting the State on an ambitious trajectory to a zero-emission power sector by 2040. The expanded Clean Energy Standard gives the state the authority to issue a Request for Proposals for the renewable power generation sources needed to implement this plan.”
According to the release, goals of the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) are as follows:
• Implements key provisions in the CLCPA related to securing 70 percent renewable energy by 2030, including defining renewable energy technology eligibility and the amount of renewable energy needed to meet New York's goal, identifies annual procurement targets for the Tier 1 large- scale renewable energy program adopted under the CES, and recommends changes to the existing Tier 1 procurement processes;
• Sets targets for offshore wind renewable energy intended to meet the requirement of securing nine gigawatts of offshore wind by 2035;
• Creates a new methodology for extending Tier 1 renewable energy eligibility to renewable energy facilities that undergo repowering;
• Creates a competitive five-year Tier 2 program under the CES to preserve existing renewable baseline generation to support the 70 x 30 goal;
• Creates a new Tier 4 large-scale renewable program to specifically value environmental attributes associated with renewable energy delivered into New York City that will be in addition to annual Tier 1 procurement targets; and
• Creates tangible approaches to ensure that the State's renewable energy programs provide substantial benefits for disadvantaged communities, including low to moderate income customers as called for under the
CLCPA, and builds upon its workforce development policies to specifically promote good jobs, including prevailing wage requirements.
Lanton Law is a national boutique law and lobbying firm that focuses on clean energy, technology and healthcare. Contact us today to learn about your organization’s options to prepare for additional regulatory oversight within the energy sector.