Federal Privacy Rights Legislaton Introduced into Congress
House Committee on Energy and Commerce Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Chair Maria Cantwell (D-WA) have introduced the American Privacy Rights Act.
According to the legislator’s press release, this proposal seeks to establish national data privacy rights and protections for Americans, eliminates the existing patchwork of state comprehensive data privacy laws, and establishes robust enforcement mechanisms to hold violators accountable, including a private right of action for individuals.
Furthermore, the release describes other provisions of the proposed legislation:
Establishes Foundational Uniform National Data Privacy Rights for Americans
Gives Americans the Ability to Enforce Their Data Privacy Rights
Protects Americans’ Civil Rights
Holds Companies Accountable and Establishes Strong Data Security Obligations
Focuses on the Business of Data, Not Mainstreet Business
The draft can be seen here.
Lanton Law's experience in privacy and data protection enables these companies to navigate the complex legal and regulatory landscape effectively. By partnering with us, tech and healthcare organizations can develop robust strategies, ensuring compliance, safeguarding personal data, and maintaining trust among your consumers.
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