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Posts in privacy
Privacy Trends in New York: How Lanton Law Can Assist Tech and Healthcare Companies with Legal and Regulatory Strategies

Privacy has emerged as a critical issue in the digital age, prompting increased scrutiny and regulation. In New York, a hub for technology and healthcare industries, privacy trends have been shaping the legal and regulatory landscape. This blog post will explore the evolving privacy trends in New York and delve into how Lanton Law can help tech and healthcare companies navigate complex privacy laws and develop effective legal and regulatory strategies.

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American Data Privacy and Protection Act Introduced

In late June 2022 H.R. 8152 was introduced which seeks to provide consumers with foundational data privacy rights, create strong oversight mechanisms, and establish meaningful enforcement.

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Expert Discusses Long-Term Implications of Roe V. Wade Decision for Pharmacists, Contraception Access

In an interview with Pharmacy Times, Ron Lanton III, Esq, partner at Lanton Law, discussed the recent Supreme Court ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health and what this could mean for pharmacists. In the interview, Lanton said the decision leaves many things ambiguous, which will most likely result in litigation around the country in the coming weeks and months.

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California Privacy Regulator Releases Draft Regulations

The California Privacy Protection Agency, the regulator established by the California Privacy Rights Act in November 2020 has posted draft regulations for its upcoming June 8 Board meeting. The draft CPRA regulations can be viewed here.

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Massachusetts Discussing Data Privacy Protection

Senator Creem and Senator Lesser have introduced S.46 titled “An Act Establishing the Massachusetts Information Privacy Act.” The bill can be found here.

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Data Protection Agency (DPA) Legislation Reintroduced

U.S. Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) issued a press release announcing the Data Protection Act of 2021, which would create the DPA, an independent federal agency whose goal is to protect Americans’ data, instill privacy safeguards and work to ensure that there is transparency in data sharing practices.

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New Bi-Partisan Privacy Bill Introduced

The Social Media Privacy Protection and Consumer Rights Act of 2021 has been reintroduced and is being led by Senators Kennedy (R-LA), Klobuchar (D-MN), Manchin (D-WV and Burr (R-NC). The proposal seeks to improve the transparency of online platforms, strengthen consumers’ options when a data breach occurs and ensure companies comply with privacy policies that protect consumers.

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U.S. Supreme Court Limits the FTC’s Ability to Obtain Restitution for Deceptive Practices

On April 22, 2021, Justice Breyer wrote the majority opinion for AMG CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC, ET AL. v. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, which was a shock to many consumer advocates where the Court ruled unanimously against the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

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New Congressional Bi-Partisan Privacy Proposal Introduced

A new bi-partisan privacy bill has been introduced by Senators Wyden (D-OR) and Paul (R-KY) titled “The Fourth Amendment is Not For Sale Act.” The bill proposes to close a legal loophole and prevent law enforcement and intelligence agencies from obtaining subscriber or customer records in exchange for anything of value, and to address communications and records in the possession of intermediary internet service providers. Currently, this information can be bought and sold without judicial oversight.

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Virginia on Track to Become Second Second State to Pass Data Privacy Laws

Lanton Law’s privacy practice has been closely monitoring the various state conversations around data privacy. We previously wrote a blog post titled California’s Consumer Privacy Act Could Be Coming to a State Near You, where we traced how California took the first step to create a consumer privacy law in the wake of Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation.

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New York State of the State 2021 Calls for Proposal to Safeguard Data Security Rights

Last month as part of the State of the State 2021, Governor Cuomo announced a comprehensive law around personal data and privacy protections for New York state residents.

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Big Tech Company Executives Pressed On Capitol Hill On Their Market Influence 

On July 29th four of the biggest tech companies, CEOs testified in front of Congress. Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Tim Cook of Apple, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, and Sundar Pichai of Google all took questions from the U.S House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law.

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