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Posts in HealthIT
Effects of the Federal Trade Commission's Repeal of Non-Compete Agreements on the Pharma Industry

In an interview with Associate Editor Donald Tracy, MA, Ron Lanton III, Esq., Partner, Lanton Law offers his thoughts on the recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) repeal of non-compete agreements, and how it could effect the #pharma industry.

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FTC, DOJ and HHS Extend RFI on Private Equity Control in Health Care Markets

The Federal Trade Commission, the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Antitrust Division, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are extending the deadline by 30 days for the public to comment on a tri-agency Request for Information (RFI) examining private-equity and other corporations’ increasing control over health care markets. The new deadline is now June 5, 2024.

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What is Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)?

Remote patient monitoring is an innovative way that healthcare providers are using to treat chronic and acute conditions. With COVID-19 spurring faster adoption of telehealth and RPM, the subject of RPM involves the connection of digital tools that record healthcare data that is reviewed by an off-site provider.

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Prescription Digital Therapeutics Bill Introduced in Congress

The Medicaid and CHIP Access to Prescription Digital Therapeutics Act also known as S. 5238 seen here was introduced on December 12, 2022 by Senator Capito (R-WV).

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How to Choose a Lobbyist

Since the early 2000s, there has been a steady increase in the amount of government activity that has directly affected healthcare stakeholders. Prior to this time-period, companies could afford to focus only on differentiating their products from their competitors. Now companies are finding that during their strategic planning meetings, they must account for how state and federal government activity may impact their bottom line. In addition to having a Government Affairs staff, these same companies are starting to realize the importance of having established a relationship with a lobbyist. The question is how do you find the right lobbyist for your organization?

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Lanton Law Interviews Famlee Founder & CEO Shelley Bailey

Ron Lanton of Lanton Law interviews Shelley Bailey of Famlee. They discuss fertility, entrepreneurship and the benefits of technology for the advancement of women's health.

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What to Know about CURES 2.0

In November 2021, U.S. Reps. Fred Upton (R-MI) and Diana DeGette (D-CO) today introduced their bipartisan Cures 2.0 legislation. The bill which is aimed at helping patients of innovative companies within healthcare and life sciences can be viewed here.

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Prescription Digital Therapeutics Presses Ahead for Behavioral Health

At Lanton Law we have been monitoring the both exciting and emerging field of prescription digital therapeutics. While the technologies we have been witnessing are promising, there does remain the challenge of reimbursement, since there has not yet been a statutory benefit category established for this new technology. However; behavioral health shows the most immediate promise.

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Protecting Rural Telehealth Access Act Introduced

Via a recently released a press release describing how a group of bipartisan Senators including Joe Manchin (D-WV), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), and Jerry Moran (R-KS) have introduced the bipartisan Protecting Rural Telehealth Access Act to make current telehealth flexibilities permanent.

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Data Protection Agency (DPA) Legislation Reintroduced

U.S. Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) issued a press release announcing the Data Protection Act of 2021, which would create the DPA, an independent federal agency whose goal is to protect Americans’ data, instill privacy safeguards and work to ensure that there is transparency in data sharing practices.

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Cybersecurity & FY 22 Discretionary Funding Request

The President’s request for fiscal year 2022 discretionary funding has been released. Below are a few mentions for cybersecurity:

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New York Privacy Act Introduced into the New York State Legislature

A680 titled the New York Privacy Act has been introduced into the New York State Assembly. The bill is sponsored by Assemblywoman Rosenthal (D-District 67).

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New York Proposing Its Own Biometric Law

The New York State legislature has introduced Assembly Bill 27, which seeks to make New York the fourth state to enact a biometric privacy law. If successful it will be the second state that will allow consumers a private right of action to see companies for improper data handling.

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Lanton Strategies: D.C. Based Lobbying Firm with No State Boundaries

COVID-19 has changed the way that we interact in a variety of ways. One of them being the way that businesses large and small interact with the government. Gone are the days where we can meet people in person without having to worry about travel restrictions and COVID-19 protocol. What remains is that businesses still need to get their voices heard. This is where Lanton Strategies has a strategic advantage.

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