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Posts in telecommunications
President Biden Signs Executive Order to Regulate U.S. Investments in Sensitive Technologies in Countries of Concern

President Biden signed an executive order on August 9, 2023, that will regulate certain U.S. investments in countries of concern in entities engaged in activities involving sensitive technologies critical to national security. The order specifically targets investments in semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information technologies, and artificial intelligence.

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California Privacy Regulator Releases Draft Regulations

The California Privacy Protection Agency, the regulator established by the California Privacy Rights Act in November 2020 has posted draft regulations for its upcoming June 8 Board meeting. The draft CPRA regulations can be viewed here.

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How to Choose a Lobbyist

Since the early 2000s, there has been a steady increase in the amount of government activity that has directly affected healthcare stakeholders. Prior to this time-period, companies could afford to focus only on differentiating their products from their competitors. Now companies are finding that during their strategic planning meetings, they must account for how state and federal government activity may impact their bottom line. In addition to having a Government Affairs staff, these same companies are starting to realize the importance of having established a relationship with a lobbyist. The question is how do you find the right lobbyist for your organization?

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The Platform Accountability and Transparency Act (PATA) Introduced to Ensure Social Media Platform Transparency

Senators Coons (D-DE), Kloubuchar (D-MN) and Portman (R-OH) have introduced a bi-partisan proposed bill that would require social media companies to provide vetted, independent researchers and the public with access to certain platform data.

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Rohit Chopra of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau testified before the House Financial Services Committee on Changing Tech Stakeholder Influence

Rohit Chopra who is the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau testified before the House Financial Services Committee regarding how “Congress has tasked the CFPB with monitoring market conditions to spot risks, ensure compliance with existing law, and promote competition in order to protect families and honest businesses.”

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First Meeting of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Occurs

The White House held the first meeting of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Occurs (PCAST). PCAST deals with “1) U.S. competitiveness, security, and international science and technology leadership; and 2) U.S. public health and pandemic preparedness.”

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New Request for Public Comment Regarding Technology Stakeholders

The Bureau of Industry and Security, Office of Technology Evaluation, U.S. Department of Commerce has issued a Notice of request for public comment. The notice is titled Notice of Request for Public Comments. According to the Bureau:

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U.S. Senate Passes the Innovation and Competition Act

Earlier this month the U.S. Senate passed a rare bi-partisan bill called the United States Innovation and Competition Act, which seeks to improve America's competitive edge by investing billions of dollars in scientific and technological innovations – including artificial intelligence, computer chips and robotics.

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Protecting Rural Telehealth Access Act Introduced

Via a recently released a press release describing how a group of bipartisan Senators including Joe Manchin (D-WV), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), and Jerry Moran (R-KS) have introduced the bipartisan Protecting Rural Telehealth Access Act to make current telehealth flexibilities permanent.

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White House Releases Report Outlining Steps to Strengthen Critical Supply Chains

In February 2021, President Biden issued an Executive Order to direct a government-wide “approach to assessing vulnerabilities in, and strengthening the resilience of, critical supply chains.”

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Data Protection Agency (DPA) Legislation Reintroduced

U.S. Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) issued a press release announcing the Data Protection Act of 2021, which would create the DPA, an independent federal agency whose goal is to protect Americans’ data, instill privacy safeguards and work to ensure that there is transparency in data sharing practices.

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