Lanton Law Blog

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Posts in fintech
How to Choose a Lobbyist

Since the early 2000s, there has been a steady increase in the amount of government activity that has directly affected healthcare stakeholders. Prior to this time-period, companies could afford to focus only on differentiating their products from their competitors. Now companies are finding that during their strategic planning meetings, they must account for how state and federal government activity may impact their bottom line. In addition to having a Government Affairs staff, these same companies are starting to realize the importance of having established a relationship with a lobbyist. The question is how do you find the right lobbyist for your organization?

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CFPB Will Invoke Dormant Authority to Scrutinize Nonbank Companies

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued an announcement that it is “invoking a largely unused legal provision to examine nonbank financial companies that pose risks to consumers. The CFPB believes that utilizing this dormant authority will help protect consumers and level the playing field between banks and nonbanks. The CFPB is also seeking public comments on a procedural rule to make this process more transparent.”

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Rohit Chopra of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau testified before the House Financial Services Committee on Changing Tech Stakeholder Influence

Rohit Chopra who is the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau testified before the House Financial Services Committee regarding how “Congress has tasked the CFPB with monitoring market conditions to spot risks, ensure compliance with existing law, and promote competition in order to protect families and honest businesses.”

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Data Protection Agency (DPA) Legislation Reintroduced

U.S. Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) issued a press release announcing the Data Protection Act of 2021, which would create the DPA, an independent federal agency whose goal is to protect Americans’ data, instill privacy safeguards and work to ensure that there is transparency in data sharing practices.

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Lanton Law Monitoring Central Bank Digital Currency Developments

According to Investopedia “a central bank digital currency (CBDC) uses an electronic record or digital token to represent the virtual form of a fiat currency of a particular nation (or region). A CBDC is centralized; it is issued and regulated by the competent monetary authority of the country.”

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New York Privacy Act Introduced into the New York State Legislature

A680 titled the New York Privacy Act has been introduced into the New York State Assembly. The bill is sponsored by Assemblywoman Rosenthal (D-District 67).

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Virginia on Track to Become Second Second State to Pass Data Privacy Laws

Lanton Law’s privacy practice has been closely monitoring the various state conversations around data privacy. We previously wrote a blog post titled California’s Consumer Privacy Act Could Be Coming to a State Near You, where we traced how California took the first step to create a consumer privacy law in the wake of Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation.

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Lanton Strategies: D.C. Based Lobbying Firm with No State Boundaries

COVID-19 has changed the way that we interact in a variety of ways. One of them being the way that businesses large and small interact with the government. Gone are the days where we can meet people in person without having to worry about travel restrictions and COVID-19 protocol. What remains is that businesses still need to get their voices heard. This is where Lanton Strategies has a strategic advantage.

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Will 2021 Witness the Creation of More State Green Banks?

With the incoming Biden Administration, the President elect has announced his new environmental plan “To Build a Modern, Sustainable Infrastructure and Equitable Clean Energy Future.” Among the various policy points discussed in the plan, one interesting initiative describes the development of “innovative financing mechanisms that leverage private sector dollars to maximize investment in the clean energy revolution.” This last sentence reminds me of what happened in Connecticut with regards to their Green Bank.

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The Rise of the Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC)

With the tumultuous chain of events we have witnessed throughout 2020, we have also been hearing more about the rise of SPACs. We have been getting asked more about SPACs such as what they are and what is their role within Wall Street?

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New Lanton Law Specialty Drug Blogcast with Ken Kaitin of Tufts University

We are excited to interview Kenneth Kaitin; Professor and Director for the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts.

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The New Concerns of a Digital Workplace

We are honored to have worked with STACK for Pharmacy on a great and timely webinar titled “The New Concerns of a Digital Workplace. COVID-19 has changed the way that we work, communicate and transfer information and finances. We discuss the early trends of what we are seeing from a transitioning marketplace.

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Lanton Law; Your Digital Lawyer & Lobbying Team

As organizational needs evolve right now, businesses are looking for innovative ways to become efficient and manage risks.

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With the Debate Over Data Privacy Increasing, Senator Gillibrand Proposes Legislation to Create New Data Protection Agency

U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) has announced the creation of new legislation titled the Data Protection Act. According to the Senator’s press release, the bill would create “the Data Protection Agency (DPA), an independent federal agency that would protect Americans’ data, safeguard their privacy, and ensure data practices are fair and transparent.

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Bi-Partisan Political Controversy Surrounding Cashless Stores

On January 30th, the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services held a hearing titled “Is Cash Still King? Reviewing the Rise of Mobile Payments.” The Committee headed by Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) held this hearing to determine whether businesses should be allowed or prohibited from refusing cash payments in stores. The policy rationale behind the debate is whether cashless stores would have the unintended consequences of harming marketplace access for low-income Americans who do not have a bank account. 

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Litigation Involving the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act May Hold the Key to Future Biometric Policy

The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act enacted in 2008 was an important first step in developing policy on biometrics. According to the law, a private entity possessing biometric information accessible to the public must have a retention schedule and policy for permanently destroying biometric information. Additionally, there are restrictions on how a private entity may collect, capture, purchase, receive through trade, or otherwise obtain a person's or a customer's biometric identifier or biometric information. Most importantly, this law requires obtaining written consent prior to collecting biometric information as the law provides a private right of action for anyone injured under the Act.

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Amazon’s Hand Scanning Points to the Need for Biometrics Policy

Recently, we have learned of Amazon’s new hand scanning idea to revolutionize consumer interactions via fintech. The idea would involve creating a payment system that would biometrically scan a user’s hand to transfer payment from the user to Amazon, instead of via a credit card, phone application or cash. New point of sale terminals equipped with this technology would be placed in brick and mortar stores so that customers can “travel lighter” by not having to worry about carrying physical payment forms.

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Seattle's New Campaign Finance Law Could Be a Sign of Things to Come

As new political alliances emerge and populism continues to push political parties to make faster adjustments, companies need to take a fresh look at how they engage with the political system in order to convey company priorities and goals. Political trends happen in small doses before they spread quickly, which is what St. Petersburg, Florida and now Seattle, Washington may be demonstrating.

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