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Posts in Infrastructure
U.S. House Sends Chips and Science Act & Sends to the President For Signature

The U.S. House has passed the bipartisan Chips and Science Act of 2022. The bill can be viewed here. The bill aims to strengthen U.S. competitiveness with China by providing more than $52 billion for U.S. companies producing computer chips, as well as billions more in tax credits to encourage investment in chip manufacturing. It also provides tens of billions of dollars to fund scientific research, and to spur the innovation and development of other U.S. technologies.

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Biden Administration Proposes New National Electric Vehicle Charging Network Standards

On June 9th, the Biden Administration announced new steps to meet the Administration’s goal to build out the first-ever national network of 500,000 electric vehicle chargers along America’s highways and in communities. This initiative is a part of the enacted Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

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Cybersecurity & FY 22 Discretionary Funding Request

The President’s request for fiscal year 2022 discretionary funding has been released. Below are a few mentions for cybersecurity:

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Will 2021 Witness the Creation of More State Green Banks?

With the incoming Biden Administration, the President elect has announced his new environmental plan “To Build a Modern, Sustainable Infrastructure and Equitable Clean Energy Future.” Among the various policy points discussed in the plan, one interesting initiative describes the development of “innovative financing mechanisms that leverage private sector dollars to maximize investment in the clean energy revolution.” This last sentence reminds me of what happened in Connecticut with regards to their Green Bank.

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