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Posts tagged biometrics
Illinois Biometrics Information Privacy Act Strikes Again

Snapchat’s parent company is defending against a class-action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois brought by two platform users identified as Adrian Coss and Maribel Ocampo.

The lawsuit alleges that the platform violates the Illinois Biometrics Information Privacy Act by failing to provide users with the required disclosures under the act while collecting, storing and sharing users’ unique facial features and voices.

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Litigation Involving the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act May Hold the Key to Future Biometric Policy

The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act enacted in 2008 was an important first step in developing policy on biometrics. According to the law, a private entity possessing biometric information accessible to the public must have a retention schedule and policy for permanently destroying biometric information. Additionally, there are restrictions on how a private entity may collect, capture, purchase, receive through trade, or otherwise obtain a person's or a customer's biometric identifier or biometric information. Most importantly, this law requires obtaining written consent prior to collecting biometric information as the law provides a private right of action for anyone injured under the Act.

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Amazon’s Hand Scanning Points to the Need for Biometrics Policy

Recently, we have learned of Amazon’s new hand scanning idea to revolutionize consumer interactions via fintech. The idea would involve creating a payment system that would biometrically scan a user’s hand to transfer payment from the user to Amazon, instead of via a credit card, phone application or cash. New point of sale terminals equipped with this technology would be placed in brick and mortar stores so that customers can “travel lighter” by not having to worry about carrying physical payment forms.

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