Lanton Law Blog

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Posts in 5G
Data Protection Agency (DPA) Legislation Reintroduced

U.S. Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) issued a press release announcing the Data Protection Act of 2021, which would create the DPA, an independent federal agency whose goal is to protect Americans’ data, instill privacy safeguards and work to ensure that there is transparency in data sharing practices.

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Senator Markey and Congressman Lieu Reintroduce Bill Seeking to Improve the Cybersecurity of IoT Technology

Senator Markey (D-MA) and Congressman Lieu (D-CA) have reintroduced the Cyber Shield Act. The proposed legislation will create a voluntary program to identify and promote internet-connected products that meet industry-leading cybersecurity and data security standards, guidelines, best practices, methodologies, procedures, and proc- esses, and for other purposes.

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Lanton Strategies: D.C. Based Lobbying Firm with No State Boundaries

COVID-19 has changed the way that we interact in a variety of ways. One of them being the way that businesses large and small interact with the government. Gone are the days where we can meet people in person without having to worry about travel restrictions and COVID-19 protocol. What remains is that businesses still need to get their voices heard. This is where Lanton Strategies has a strategic advantage.

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