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Posts tagged National Institutes of Health
CURES 2.0 Biomedical Legislation Introduced Into Congress

U.S. Reps. Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Fred Upton (R-MI) are back as they recently introduced their long anticipated and bipartisan Cures 2.0 legislation. The bill is discussed via Congresswoman DeGette’s press release.

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Will Immunity Passports Lead to Future Genetic Discrimination?

There is no need to rehash the harsh societal effects that COVID-19 has had not only on our psychological and financial wellbeing, but also on the vulnerable population’s immune system. Those having to deal with underlying health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension have been especially at risk, including some young and healthy individuals. As we race to understand the rationale behind why such an erratic disease impacts some but not others, the question that frequently comes up is whether a person’s genes has something to do with becoming infected?

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