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Posts tagged medical marijuana
Congressional Cannabis Caucus Advocates for Medical Marijuana Access to Veterans

On December 1, 2021 the Congressional Cannabis Caucus composed a letter to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs regarding the Caucus’ advocacy for medical marijuana access for veterans.

The letter stated “As bipartisan Co-Chairs of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus, we are pleased to learn the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is considering a change in policy to allow for access to medical cannabis for VA patients. We implore your agency to act swiftly and implement this change as soon as possible.”

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Connecticut Has Enacted New Law Legalizing Adult-Use Cannabis

According to Governor Ned Lamont’s press release, the Governor has enacted a new law that legalizes and regulates adult-use cannabis in Connecticut. “The legislation Governor Lamont signed today is Senate Bill 1201. A proposal to legalize adult-use cannabis was initially put forward by Governor Lamont to the General Assembly earlier this year as Senate Bill 888. He also proposed similar legislation in February 2020 as Senate Bill 16.”

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New York Reaches Agreement To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis

According to Governor Cuomo’s press release, the Governor, “Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie announced an agreement on legislation (S.854-A/A.1248-A) to legalize adult-use cannabis.

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SAFE Banking Act introduced Into the U.S. Senate

U.S. Senators Merkley (D-OR) and Daines (R-MT) have introduced the Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act, to ensure that legal cannabis operators have access to banking services. The bill can be viewed here.

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Lanton Law Opens Cannabis Practice

Lanton Law believes that the cannabis market will continue to evolve and expand. Notwithstanding this market potential is the fact that medical and adult-use cannabis operations are confronted with a complex patchwork of state and federal laws and regulations that we assist a variety of businesses with.

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