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Posts in cannabis
House Passes the MORE Act

The House of Representatives passed the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expengement Act of 2020 otherwise known as the MORE Act of 2020 or H.R. 3884. The party line vote was 228 to 164. The bill proposes to remove cannabis from the Controlled Substance Act and seeks to mirror the changing policy around this subject as medical cannabis is legal in ⅔ of the states while approximately 15 states have passed laws permitting recreational usage. The bill heads to the Senate where it is not expected to pass this session.

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Psychedelic mushrooms take a policy step forward

In what has surprised many cannabis stakeholders it seems as though the November 2020 elections is bringing a new therapeutic item into the mainstream healthcare policy conversation: psychedelic mushrooms via ballot box initiatives.

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Lanton Law Opens Cannabis Practice

Lanton Law believes that the cannabis market will continue to evolve and expand. Notwithstanding this market potential is the fact that medical and adult-use cannabis operations are confronted with a complex patchwork of state and federal laws and regulations that we assist a variety of businesses with.

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