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Posts in pharmaceuticals
CMS Star Ratings: Will Biosimilars Benefit?

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) star ratings system was created in 2007 for insurance plans operating under both the Medicare Advantage and Part D. This 1 to 5 system (with 5 being the highest rating) is a way for CMS to measure the value of a plan and determine whether to continue to allow it to be part of the program. However, it’s more than just the plan, since the plan’s providers play a key role in how CMS evaluates each plan.

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More Data Oversight on the Horizon

No matter what, technology will always move faster than the law. With this maxim and our ever increasing reliance on convenient information, we have seen technology companies try to bring us what we want to see while also collecting a staggering amount of information on consumers. With regulations scant on personal data, Congress is slowly becoming more active in making policy governing technology. 

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New PBM Legislation Advances in Congress

Congresswoman Amy Spanberger (D-VA) has sponsored H.R. 2115 titled “Public Disclosure of Drug Discounts and Real-Time Beneficiary Drug Cost Act.” This is important for healthcare stakeholders, as this proposed legislation requires greater transparency for discounts provided by manufacturers. This bill also proposes to include real-time benefit information as part of a prescription drug plan’s electronic prescription program under Medicare. 

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Setting the Record Straight on March-In Rights and Drug Prices

Following the launch of sofosbuvir (Sovaldi) in 2013, the pharmaceutical industry has been in the crosshairs of the government because of the drug's cost. Many industry stakeholders have been wrestling with difficult questions: How should the fair value of a drug be determined? What should the cost be for better outcomes? How much should a drug cost if it extends life? We have seen some political solutions advanced, such as the International Pricing Index, the Rebate Rule, and others, but no silver bullet to controlling costs has manifested to date.

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