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Posts in pharmacy benefit manager
New York Proposes New PBM Regulations

The New York State Department of Financial Services has proposed new rules surrounding pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) that deal with establishing definitions; licensing; contracting with pharmacies; acquisition of PBMs; consumer protections and audit regulations regarding PBMs.

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Illinois Enacts Pro-Pharmacy Legislation

Illinois has enacted HB 3631, pro-pharmacy legislation sponsored by Senator Simmons. The new law prohibits pharmacy benefit managers from retaliating against pharmacists for disclosing information in government proceedings if they have reasonable cause to believe that the disclosed information is evidence of a violation of a state or federal law, rule, or regulation.

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More Drugmakers Sue Biden Administration Over Medicare Negotiation

Johnson and Johnson has filed a lawsuit in New Jersey federal district court, arguing that the new powers granted to Medicare to negotiate drug prices violates the First and Fifth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Medicare’s new power to negotiate comes from the recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Earlier suits by Merck, Bristol Myers Squibb, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and PhRMA have made similar arguments.

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Pharmacy Times Speaks with Lanton Law About "Vanity Drugs"

In an interview by Aislinn Antrim of Pharmacy Times called “Calling Them ‘Vanity Drugs,’ Some Insurers Refuse to Cover New Anti-Obesity Drugs,” Ron Lanton III, Esq., Partner at Lanton Law, discussed why insurers are refusing to cover new, highly effective anti-obesity drugs and how some prescribers are getting around the issue. Lanton said that this is a common issue across many different disease spaces and drug types, but some policy changes may be able to help.

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FTC Takes Aggressive Policy Stance Against Drug Manufacturers and Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs)

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has come out aggressively against both pharmaceutical manufacturers and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). The agency has released its policy statement seen here, announcing that the agency “will ramp up enforcement against any illegal bribes and rebate schemes that block patients’ access to competing lower-cost drugs.”

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The Pharmacy Benefit Manager Transparency Act of 2022 Introduced in Congress

The Pharmacy Benefit Manager Transparency Act of 2022 was introduced by Senate Commerce Science, and Transportation Committee Chair Maria Cantwell and Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley.

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New Congressional Pharmacy Benefit Manager Bill Aimed at Spread Pricing Reintroduced

According to a December 1, 2021 press release, Representatives Carter (R-GA) and Gonzalez (D-TX) have reintroduced the Drug Price Transparency in Medicaid Act. The legislation “would limit the power of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to artificially spike Medicaid drug prices. The Drug Price Transparency in Medicaid Act bans the use of spread pricing by middlemen (PBMs) in Medicaid managed care. PBMs drive up prescription drug costs without adding any value to the consumer.”

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Pharmacy Celebrates Another Win Over PBMs in the 8th Circuit

This week the 8th Circuit issued a decision in the case of Pharmaceutical Care Management Association v. Wehbi, which supported North Dakota’s legislative actions to regulate pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). PCMA v. Wehbi is the first case at the federal appellate level since the landmark Rutledge v. PCMA decision last year that upheld Arkansas law also regulating PBMs.

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FDA Approves First Interchangeable Biosimilar for Humira

According to the FDA’s press release, “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first interchangeable biosimilar product to treat certain inflammatory diseases.”

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New Louisiana Law Bans White Bagging

The Governor has enacted Act No. 50 effective June 1, which seeks to ban “white bagging” in the state. White bagging is when a drug is delivered from an insurer’s preferred pharmacy to a physician’s office. This new law which is the first of its kind in the country provides that insurers cannot refuse to pay for physician-administered drugs to covered patients. Similar legislation has been seen in Massachusetts, New York and Texas.

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New Proposed Congressional DIR Relief Bill

At Lanton Law we are constantly on the watch for issues impacting our specialty, retail and LTC pharmacy clients including the issue of DIR fees. Clients utilize our advocacy and legal tools while discussing business strategy to combat an ever changing reimbursement environment.

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NCPA Files Lawsuit on Pharmacy Direct & Indirect Remuneration (DIR) Fees

The National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) on DIR fees. Specifically, the complaint seeking declaratory and injunctive relief seeks three things according to NCPA’s release:

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Oregon Proposes New Policy to Control Drug Prices

Drug prices have been fiercely debated in Congress and in various state capitols before COVID-19 brought everything to a halt. Vermont was the first state in the country to require pharmaceutical manufacturers to explain drug price increases. That initiative was followed by Maryland in 2019 as the state created its five member Prescription Drug Affordability Board to monitor prices. It seems now the attention is focused on Oregon.

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