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Posts tagged drug price
Lanton Law Will Speak at New York Bar's Food Drug & Cosmetic Section's Annual Meeting

We are proud to announce that Lanton Law will be presenting at the NY State Bar Association's Spring Meeting. We are excited about our presentation titled Drug Pricing Wars: "Trends, Politics and Policies." To register and hear the other great presentations click the link below. To register click here

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Pharmacy Times Speaks with Lanton Law About "Vanity Drugs"

In an interview by Aislinn Antrim of Pharmacy Times called “Calling Them ‘Vanity Drugs,’ Some Insurers Refuse to Cover New Anti-Obesity Drugs,” Ron Lanton III, Esq., Partner at Lanton Law, discussed why insurers are refusing to cover new, highly effective anti-obesity drugs and how some prescribers are getting around the issue. Lanton said that this is a common issue across many different disease spaces and drug types, but some policy changes may be able to help.

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House Committee on Oversight and and Reform Releases Report on Drug Pricing

Last week Representative Maloney (D-NY) who is the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform released the final staff report, resulting from a multi-year investigation into drug pricing. The Committee investigation was originally started by the late Representative Cummings.

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Oregon Proposes New Policy to Control Drug Prices

Drug prices have been fiercely debated in Congress and in various state capitols before COVID-19 brought everything to a halt. Vermont was the first state in the country to require pharmaceutical manufacturers to explain drug price increases. That initiative was followed by Maryland in 2019 as the state created its five member Prescription Drug Affordability Board to monitor prices. It seems now the attention is focused on Oregon.

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White House Issues Executive Order Advocating for Importation

The White House has issued an Executive Order titled “Executive Order on Increasing Drug Importation to Lower Prices for American Patients,which seeks to advocate for having supply chain entities proceed with importation.

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Is the Insulin Price Reduction Act the Right Answer to High Insulin Prices?

At this point in the legislative calendar, it is time to take a look at what may have a likely shot at passing Congress before the 2020 election season gets underway. With the contentious debate on drug pricing that has occurred during the last several months, insulin pricing is still garnering plenty of attention.

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