Lanton Law Blog

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Posts in pharmaceuticals
House Passes the MORE Act

The House of Representatives passed the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expengement Act of 2020 otherwise known as the MORE Act of 2020 or H.R. 3884. The party line vote was 228 to 164. The bill proposes to remove cannabis from the Controlled Substance Act and seeks to mirror the changing policy around this subject as medical cannabis is legal in ⅔ of the states while approximately 15 states have passed laws permitting recreational usage. The bill heads to the Senate where it is not expected to pass this session.

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Amazon Launches U.S. Pharmacy Business

Many supply chain stakeholders have been fearing whether Amazon would ever open a retail pharmacy business. There have been traces of this occurring for years from its sporadic applications of pharmacy licenses in various states, to its June 2018 $753 million acquisition of PillPak. However; no coherent plan had come into focus until now.

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Psychedelic mushrooms take a policy step forward

In what has surprised many cannabis stakeholders it seems as though the November 2020 elections is bringing a new therapeutic item into the mainstream healthcare policy conversation: psychedelic mushrooms via ballot box initiatives.

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Lanton Law & Private Equity

With increasing mergers and acquisitions in both the technology and healthcare sectors, investment opportunities abound for funds and interested stakeholders. In order for these stakeholders to be successful it is essential to know the limits and opportunities within a complex regulatory landscape.

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Lanton Law Opens Cannabis Practice

Lanton Law believes that the cannabis market will continue to evolve and expand. Notwithstanding this market potential is the fact that medical and adult-use cannabis operations are confronted with a complex patchwork of state and federal laws and regulations that we assist a variety of businesses with.

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Where Do Biden & Trump Stand On The Issues?

With election season underway many are wondering where the two Presidential candidates stand on the issues of importance to voters.

Reuters did a great summary found here that explains the major differences from the economy, trade, healthcare, etc.

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New York Comptroller finds $605 million in unnecessary costs to the Medicaid program

The New York Comptroller recently released the results of an audit titled “Medicaid Program-Cost of Pharmacy Services Under Managed Care.” The audit covered the period January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2019.

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Long Term Care Pharmacy (LTC) Legislation Introduced Aimed at Defining LTC Pharmacy

The Long-Term Care Pharmacy Definition Act of 2020 has been introduced by U.S. Senator Scott (R-SC) and co-sponsored by Senator Warner (D-VA). The bill has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Congressman Mullin (R-OK) and Congressman Schrader (D-OR). The bill seeks to establish a clear statutory definition of long term care pharmacy.

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Lanton Law Speaks with Pharmacy Times about U.S. Supreme Court Case Rutledge v. PCMA & Its Implication on Pharmacy Policy

Lanton Law was interviewed by Pharmacy Times on the implications of the October 6, 2020 U.S. Supreme Court case of Rutledge v. PCMA.

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New Executive Order Aimed at Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs)

The White House has released an Executive Order titled “Executive Order on Lowering Prices for Patients by Eliminating Kickbacks to Middlemen.”

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White House Issues Executive Order Advocating for Importation

The White House has issued an Executive Order titled “Executive Order on Increasing Drug Importation to Lower Prices for American Patients,which seeks to advocate for having supply chain entities proceed with importation.

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The Administration Releases Executive Order Targeting Insulin and Injectable Epinephrine via 340B

The White House has announced a few Executive Orders targeting healthcare. One Executive Order titled Executive Order on Access to Affordable Life-saving Medications targets insulin and injectable epinephrine by requiring federally qualified community health centers to pass through 340B program discounts to patients using insulin and epinephrine auto-injectors.

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This Week in Washington D.C.

It is widely anticipated this week that negotiation on another stimulus bill will begin on Capitol Hill. The backdrop of these negotiations are that we are starting to see an alarming increase in the number of COVID-19 infections nationwide, along with the fact that enhanced unemployment benefits that were approved in March 2020 will expire this week for many states without Congressional action to extend these benefits. The question is will we see another COVID-19 relief package that is similar to the CARES Act?

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New Lanton Law Specialty Drug Blogcast with Ken Kaitin of Tufts University

We are excited to interview Kenneth Kaitin; Professor and Director for the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts.

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Pharmacy Times Interviews Lanton Law On How COVID-19 May Lead to the Expansion of Practice Laws for Pharmacists Across the Country

Alana Hippensteele; Editor, MA of Pharmacy Times interviewed Ron Lanton to discuss how COVID-19 may lead to expansion of practice laws for pharmacists across the country.

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Online Political Advertising Legislation to be Introduced

U.S. Congressman Cicilline (D-RI) has announced his intent to introduce legislation “that tightly restricts the use of personal, online consumer data that is often used to ‘microtarget’ voters with misleading ads.”

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